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What will you learn?

This workshop is for mid to high-level managers who need to achieve more, faster but with less stress.

As a manager are you facing any of these challenges?

 Hiring freezes

 Budget reductions 

 High staff turnover

 Increased responsibility or workload on remaining staff

If so, you and your staff will benefit from practical tools to:

 Set boundaries

 Delegate effectively

 Gain clarity on your core values


The Challenge:

Managers are responsible for improving productivity, efficiency, culture and much more - irrespective of shortages, caps and freezes.

Sound familiar?

The Solution:

Our lunchtime workshop will provide real-time tools and strategies that help you navigate leadership challenges.

At the centre of this are your core values and how to apply them in your leadership role. 

During this session, our focus is on increasing productivity and efficiency for you and your staff, while reducing the likelihood of burnout.

As budget savings and FTE freezes become the norm, managers are under increasing pressure to lead teams effectively without compromising on their values.

As a result, a high number of people report being overwhelmed, burned out or simply quitting their roles. 

These are mentally and emotionally draining but can be avoided with the right tools.


The Details:

We recommend registering early as seats are strictly limited.  Light refreshments and drinks will be served on arrival.

Once again, this workshop is for mid to high-level managers who need to achieve more, faster and with less stress.

Your Leadership Challenge


You are busy.

Meetings, staff needs, shifting priorities, unexpected tasks & emails will all prevent you from performing at your peak. 

Left unaddressed you will experience high levels of stress, overwhelm, and burnout. 

This will have a devastating impact on your mental health, your team, and your reputation.

 Leadership Solutions

Reduce stress. Maximise performance.


This is where our team works with you.  We help you solve the pain points that limit high performance and cause burnout.

We target three key areas:

1.  Planning

2. Technique

3. Accountability


1. Data shows 92% of people who set goals do not achieve them.

Our team helps you create plans that ensure success.  We specialise in reducing the noise while leveraging your expertise.  This ensures plans are logical, transparent and divided into small steps.


2. We coach you on the best techniques, tools and strategies for delivery.  This is key to turning ideas into action, and action into results.


3. We co-design accountability measures that drive you toward success.  Together we create a system that motivates leaders to performance levels that exceed expectations.


This is how we turn Leadership problems into solutions.

Click on the Calendly link now to schedule an appointment with Eddie.


"Eddie can help you get crystal clear on what really matters to you and transform your business into a thriving performance machine, all while improving your personal relationships and mental health along the way."
Andrew Duncan, Owner - Agent Monday

Book in time now.


Eddie Rakanui

As a Leadership Coach, I optimise the performance of Leaders. I also host a podcast in the “Top 10% most shared on Spotify” where we distil insights from international Business and Life coaches.

I am a proud husband, an awesome dad to four kids, an experience gatherer and a relentless optimist.